Leaper Vision Toolkit
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Public Member Functions
ILObject Interface Reference

This base interface for a serializable LPV object. More...

Inheritance diagram for ILObject:
ILBarcodeDetector ILBarcodeResult ILBlob ILBlobAnalysis ILBlobFilter ILCalib ILCalibBoard ILCalibRotation ILFlatField ILImage ILObjects ILRegion ILGauge ILShapeGaugeResult ILArc ILCircle ILEllipse ILLine ILPoint ILRect ILTransform ILFitting ILGeomOp ILPolyClipper ILSortedArray ILSorter ILIBData ILBGSubtract ILEdgeFilter ILHDR ILHistogram ILImageCompare ILImageConvert ILImageFilter ILImageMorph ILImageOp ILImageStats ILImageThreshold ILCircleDetector ILCircleResult ILLineDetector ILLineResult ILContourDetector ILContourResult ILCrossMarkDetector ILCrossMarkResult ILPathDetector ILPathResult ILClassifier ILParameterized ILSample ILSampleDatabase ILDataBlob ILDataBlobAnalysis ILDataBlobFilter ILDataList ILFontDatabase ILOCR ILOCRChar ILMatch ILMatchResult

Public Member Functions

ILObjectCopy ()
LPVErrorCode Load (LString filename)
void Reset ()
LPVErrorCode Save (LString filename)
BOOL Valid ()

Detailed Description

This base interface for a serializable LPV object.

Member Function Documentation

◆ Copy()

ILObject* Copy ( )

Copy the LPV object to a new one.

Return values
newObjectDestination LPV object of the same type as the input.

◆ Load()

LPVErrorCode Load ( LString  filename)

Load the LPV object from a specified file.

[in]filenameFull path of the file, it could be absolute or relative path with file name and extension.
Return values
errorReturn error code if anything is wrong.
See also

◆ Reset()

void Reset ( )

Reset the configurations of the LPV object.

◆ Save()

LPVErrorCode Save ( LString  filename)

Save the LPV object to a specified file.
The following lists all the serializable LPV objects and their supported extension:

LPV objectExtensionContents
LImageImage files (.bmp, .png, .jpg, .tif, etc.)The image file.
Region objects.droiThe region object's placement.
LLineDetector.lldThe line detector's parameters.
LCircleDetector.lcdThe circle detector's parameters.
LPathDetector.lpdThe path detector's parameters.
LContourDetector.ltdThe contour detector's parameters.
LCrossMarkDetector.lcmdThe cross mark detector's parameters.
LBlobAnalysis.lbaThe blob analysis tool's parameters, including the blob range setting, the filters and etc.
LBarcodeDetector.lbdThe barcode detector's parameters.
LImageThreshold.litThe thresholding tool's settings.
LImageFilter.lifThe filter's settings.
LImageMorph.limThe morphing tool's settings.
LEdgeFilter.lefThe edge filtering tool's settings.
LImageCompare.lcmpThe image comparison tool, include the baseline image and mask.
LMatch.stpThe trained features and the matching parameters.
Image files (.bmp, .png, .jpg, .tif, etc.)The template image. When load it back, the tool will learn again from the image.
Camera Calibration.calibThe calibrated camera matrices and the configurations.
LCalibBoard.cboardThe calibration board configurations.
LCalibRotation.calibThe calibrated rotation center as well as all the calibration configurations.
LCalibPointPairs.cpairThe positions and corresponding information of all point pairs.
LCameraArray.calibThe camera array setting and its calibration result, including calibration matrices for individual cameras.
LFlatField.ffcThe flat field calibration parameters and the configurations.
Gauging tools .lggThe gauge tool's parameters.
LClassifier .llcThe machine learning based classifier, including its models and features.
LSampleDatabase .dbinfo or folderThe sample database, including all its samples and the database information.
LFeature .lfeThe one single feature and its parameters
LModel .lmdThe one single machine learning model and its parameters and with the trained information.
LFontDatabase .fontinfoThe font database including all the character sample database informations and the trained recognition models.
LOCR .locrThe OCR tool's configurations and its associated font database.
[in]filenameFull path of the file, it could be absolute or relative path with file name and extension.
Return values
errorReturn error code if anything is wrong.
See also

◆ Valid()

BOOL Valid ( )

Get whether this is a well-initialized LPV object, for example:

  • A LImage object with an empty image is invalid
  • A LRectRegion object whose placement is not set is invalid
  • A LPolygon object without any vertex in it is invalid
Return values
Returntrue for valid, false otherwise.