Leaper Vision Toolkit
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Data Structures | Enumerations
LPVGaugeLib Module Reference

LPV Gauging Library, provides classes for 1D edge and 2D shape metrology. More...

Data Structures

interface  ILArcGauge
 This interface provide functionalities of arc inspection via the gauge. More...
interface  ILCircleGauge
 This interface provide functionalities of circle inspection via the gauge. More...
interface  ILEdgeGauge
 This interface provide functionalities of the edge-based gauge tool. More...
interface  ILEdgeGaugeResult
 This interface holds an edge gauging result and is used to access its properties. More...
interface  ILEllipseGauge
 This interface provide functionalities of ellipse inspection via the gauge. More...
interface  ILGauge
 This interface provide basic functionalities of the gauge object. More...
interface  ILLineGauge
 This interface provide functionalities of line inspection via the gauge. More...
interface  ILPolyGauge
 This interface provide functionalities of polygon inspection via the gauge. More...
interface  ILShapeGauge
 This interface provide basic functionalities of the shape gauge object. More...
interface  ILShapeGaugeResult
 This interface holds a shape gauging result and is used to access its properties. More...
class  LArcGauge
class  LCircleGauge
class  LEdgeGauge
class  LEdgeGaugeResult
class  LEllipseGauge
class  LLineGauge
class  LPolyGauge
class  LShapeGaugeResult


enum  LPVGaugeDrawFlags {
  LPVGaugeDrawResult = 1 , LPVGaugeDrawSampleRegion = 2 , LPVGaugeDrawSamplePoints = 4 , LPVGaugeDrawSampleIndex = 8 ,
  LPVGaugeDrawDefault = LPVGaugeDrawResult , LPVGaugeDrawAll = 0xff
 This enumeration represents the flags to control the drawing behavior of the gauging result. More...
enum  LPVGaugeFeatures { LPVGaugeFeatureNone = 0x0 , LPVGaugeFeaturePosition = 0x1 , LPVGaugeFeatureScore = 0x2 , LPVGaugeFeatureDistance = 0x4 }
 This enumeration represents the features of the sample points. More...

Detailed Description

LPV Gauging Library, provides classes for 1D edge and 2D shape metrology.

This library provides classes for 1D edge and 2D shape metrology. To include the definitions of the library's classes, use the following directive:

Example Code

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ LPVGaugeDrawFlags

This enumeration represents the flags to control the drawing behavior of the gauging result.


Draw the result shape such as the line or circle, or the result edges.


Draw the sample regions, only for shape gauge tools.


Draw the valid sample points


Draw the index of the sample region, near its top-left corner, only for shape gauge tools.


Default draw flags, which draws only the result shape


Draw a gauging result with all components

◆ LPVGaugeFeatures

This enumeration represents the features of the sample points.


The reserved none value


The position of the sample point, affect by the find-by setting


The score of the sample point, aka. the edge gradiant magnitude or grayscale intensity depends on the polarity setting


The distance of the sample points, affect by the expected distance and tolerance. Only works for double-side edge pair inspection.