Leaper Vision Toolkit
中文 / English 2.x
LOCR Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for LOCR:

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from ILOCR
LPVErrorCode Detect (ILImage *img, ILRegion *region, ILOCRResult **results)
LPVErrorCode DetectAndVerify (ILImage *img, ILRegion *region, ILOCRResult **results)
LPVErrorCode Segment (ILImage *img, ILRegion *region, ILOCRResult **results)
void SetCharSize (int w, int h, double wTolerance, double hTolerance)
void SetCharSkew (double skewLB, double skewUB)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ILObject
ILObjectCopy ()
LPVErrorCode Load (LString filename)
void Reset ()
LPVErrorCode Save (LString filename)
BOOL Valid ()
- Properties inherited from ILOCR
double AspectRatioChange [get, set]
 The resize ratio compared with the standard aspect ratio in the font database, in range 0.5 ~ 1.5. By default, it's 1 means no change.
BOOL AutoDotPrint [get, set]
 Whether to turn on automatic dot-print detection. By default, it's off.
int CharHeightLB [get, set]
 The lower bound of the character's estimated height, at least 1 pixel.
int CharHeightUB [get, set]
 The upper bound of the character's estimated height, should be larger than or equal to the lower bound.
double CharSkewLB [get, set]
 The lower bound of the italic character's skew int angle, in -60 ~ 60 degree.
double CharSkewUB [get, set]
 The upper bound of the italic character's skew int angle, should be in -60 ~ 60 degree and larger than or equal to the lower bound.
int CharWidthLB [get, set]
 The lower bound of the character's estimated width, at least 1 pixel.
int CharWidthUB [get, set]
 The upper bound of the character's estimated width, should be larger than or equal to the lower bound.
double DotGap [get, set]
 The maximum distance between two nearby dots' centers. By default, it's 0 which means we'll decide it on the fly based on the distributions of all the distances.
BOOL DotPrint [get, set]
 Whether to segment as the dot-print character. By default, it's no.
double DotSize [get, set]
 The average area of individual dots, used to determine whether a foreground object is the character dot or some noisy fragment. By default, it's 0 which means we'll decide it on the fly based on the distributions of all foreground objects.
ILFontDatabase FontDatabase [get, set]
 The associated font database.
int FragmentThreshold [get, set]
 The maximum area of object that could be treated as fragment, then it will be merged to neighbors to form a valid character. By default, it's 0 which means we'll decide it on the fly based on the distributions of all foreground objects.
int NoiseThreshold [get, set]
 The minimum area of valid character or fragment in pixel. By default, it's 0 which means we'll decide it on the fly based on the distributions of all foreground objects.
LPVPolarity Polarity [get, set]
 The object polarity of the characters from the background.
LPVOCRSegmentFlags SegmentFlags [get, set]
 The extra segmentation flags to control the line and character segmentation behavior.
wchar_t UnknownPlaceholder [get, set]
 The place holder for unknown characters. By default, it's the question symbol '?'.
LPVOCVFlags VerifyFlags [get, set]
 The verification flags to control which parts contribute to the verification score.

Detailed Description

This class implements the interface ILOCR, and is used to create an instance of OCR tool.