Leaper Vision Toolkit
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LFlatField Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for LFlatField:
ILFlatField ILObject

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from ILFlatField
LPVErrorCode FixImage (ILImage *image, ILImage *fixedImage)
void GetFlatField (ILImage *previewImage)
BOOL IsCalibrated ()
LPVErrorCode SetDarkFrame (ILImage *image)
LPVErrorCode Train (ILImage *image, ILRegion *region)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ILObject
ILObjectCopy ()
LPVErrorCode Load (LString filename)
void Reset ()
LPVErrorCode Save (LString filename)
BOOL Valid ()
- Properties inherited from ILFlatField
LPVImageFormat ColorMode [get, set]
 The mode of the flat field tool, either handling grayscale or color image.
LColor FromColor [get, set]
 The raw sourcing color before flat field correction, for color mode.
int FromGray [get, set]
 The raw sourcing grayscale value before flat field correction, for grayscale mode.
int KernelWidth [get, set]
 The kernel size, it affects the updating range of the foreground and flat field during training and the smoothness of the result flat field. It should be an odd number, say, 3, 5, 7, etc. By default, it's 121.
LColor ToColor [get, set]
 The expected targeting color after flat field correction, for color mode.
int ToGray [get, set]
 The expected targeting grayscale value after flat field correction, for grayscale mode.
int Tolerance [get, set]
 The tolerance range of the color or grayscale value in image, in 1 ~ 50. By default, it's 10. 0 is the special value to make use of the entire image as foreground. It helps to build the color range of the foreground object of interest.
double UpdateRate [get, set]
 The learning rate to control how the flat field image is updated, in 0 ~ 1. The larger value means the higher weights in updating for the new input image. It is recommended to use a higher updating rate in the first some iterations, then lower it in the laters. By default, it's 0, indicates the update rate is calculated on the fly based on the ratio of known foreground pixels.
- Properties inherited from ILObject
LString Name [get, set]
 Name of the object. By default, the object has no name.
In most cases, LPV classes don't make use of the names.
The name is drawn on canvas around the object if ILDrawable::SetDrawName() is enabled. More...

Detailed Description

This class implements the interface ILFlatField, and is used to create an instance of flat field calibration tool.