Leaper Vision Toolkit
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LCameraArray Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for LCameraArray:
ILCameraArray ILObjects ILObject

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from ILCameraArray
LPVErrorCode Calibrate ()
void ImageToWorld (double imagePointX, double imagePointY, double *worldPointX, double *worldPointY)
void Init (LPVCalibModel calibModel, int hCount, int vCount)
void InitByCopy (ILCalib *calib, int hCount, int vCount, BOOL copyCalib, double hStep, double vStep)
void InitByCopyN (LArray< ILCalib * > calibs, int rows, int hCount, int vCount, BOOL copyCalib, double hStep, double vStep)
BOOL IsCalibrated ()
ILCalibItem (int index)
LPVErrorCode StitchImage (ILImageList *images, ILImage *stitchedImage)
void WorldToImage (double worldPointX, double worldPointY, double *imagePointX, double *imagePointY)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ILObjects
int Count ()
BOOL Empty ()
ILObjectItemObject (int objIndex)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ILObject
ILObjectCopy ()
LPVErrorCode Load (LString filename)
void Reset ()
LPVErrorCode Save (LString filename)
BOOL Valid ()
- Properties inherited from ILCameraArray
double CalibError [get]
 The calibration error of the camera array, which is the maximum error among all calibration objects in it.
BOOL EnableBlend [get, set]
 Whether to do blending in the overlap region of multiple views. By default, this feature is on.
Enable it will output a more smooth image stitching result, but slower.
LPVInterpolationMethod InterpolationMethod [get, set]
 The interpolation method used in stitching. By default, it's LPVInterCubic.
BOOL UseCache [get, set]
 Whether to make use of cache which is used to speed-up the process of the image stitching (and blending), but consume more memory. By default, it's off.

Detailed Description

This class implements the interface ILCameraArray, and is used to create an instance of camera array.