Leaper Vision Toolkit
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LBlobAnalysis Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for LBlobAnalysis:
ILBlobAnalysis ILObject

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from ILBlobAnalysis
void AddBackgroundRange (int grayLB, int grayUB)
void AddBackgroundRangeColor (LColor colorLB, struct LColor colorUB)
void AddBlobFilter (ILBlobFilter *filter)
void AddBlobRange (int grayLB, int grayUB)
void AddBlobRangeColor (LColor colorLB, struct LColor colorUB)
LPVErrorCode Build (ILImage *img, ILRegion *region, ILBlobResults **results)
int CountBackgroundRange ()
int CountBackgroundRangeColor ()
int CountBlobFilter ()
int CountBlobRange ()
int CountBlobRangeColor ()
void ItemBackgroundRange (int index, int *grayLB, int *grayUB)
void ItemBackgroundRangeColor (int index, LColor *colorLB, struct LColor *colorUB)
ILBlobFilterItemBlobFilter (int index)
void ItemBlobRange (int index, int *grayLB, int *grayUB)
void ItemBlobRangeColor (int index, LColor *colorLB, struct LColor *colorUB)
void Preview (ILImage *img, ILImage *outputImg)
void ResetBackgroundRange ()
void ResetBackgroundRangeColor ()
void ResetBlobFilter ()
void ResetBlobRange ()
void ResetBlobRangeColor ()
void SelectRangeAuto (ILImage *image, int x, int y, double zoomX, double zoomY, double panX, double panY, int tolerance, int *grayLB, int *grayUB, ILImage *rangeMask)
void SelectRangeAutoColor (ILImage *image, int x, int y, double zoomX, double zoomY, double panX, double panY, int tolerance, LColor *colorLB, struct LColor *colorUB, ILImage *rangeMask)
void SetRangeThresholdAdaptGlobal (LPVPolarity blobPolarity)
void SetRangeThresholdAdaptLocal (LPVPolarity blobPolarity, int blockSize, int bias)
void SetSoftThresholdRange (int softRange)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ILObject
ILObjectCopy ()
LPVErrorCode Load (LString filename)
void Reset ()
LPVErrorCode Save (LString filename)
BOOL Valid ()
- Properties inherited from ILBlobAnalysis
LPVPolarity AdaptBlobPolarity [get]
 The blob's polarity defined for the global or local adaptive thresholding in segmentation. More...
LPVImageFormat ColorMode [get, set]
 The mode of the blob analysis tool, either handling grayscale or color image.
LPVBlobContourType ContourType [get, set]
 The type of the result blob contours, see LPVBlobContourType. More...
BOOL EnableMerge [get, set]
 Whether to enable blob merging.
LPVExcludeBoundaryMode ExcludeBoundaryMode [get, set]
 The mode how to handle blobs that intersect the region boundary (exclude the entire blob, exclude only those outset pixels, or do nothing), see LPVExcludeBoundaryMode.
BOOL FillHole [get, set]
 Whether to enable the contribution of holes in the overall blob statistics. By default, it's off.
int Hierarchy [get, set]
 The hierarchy of the result blob contours. It's 0-based, negative value means all hierarchies. More...
int LocalBias [get]
 The revised value to generate a local adaptive threshold. More...
int LocalBlockSize [get]
 The size of the local region used in local adaptive thresholding. More...
int MaxCount [get, set]
 The maximum of blobs to find. If there are more than the setting counts of blobs in the detect region, sort the candidates then pick the tops. More...
int MergeAreaLB [get, set]
 The minimum acceptable area for the merged blobs. Area is the optional filtering property for the merged results and is not used to control the merging process. To constrain the size of the merged result, you should set the merge size bounds: MergeWidthLB, MergeWidthUB, MergeHeightLB, MergeHeightUB.
int MergeAreaUB [get, set]
 The maximum acceptable area for the merged blobs.
int MergeHeightLB [get, set]
 The minimum acceptable height (length of shorter axis) for the merged blobs.
int MergeHeightUB [get, set]
 The maximum acceptable height (length of shorter axis) for the merged blobs.
LPVBlobMergeType MergeType [get, set]
 The way to do the blob merging.
int MergeWidthLB [get, set]
 The minimum acceptable width (length of longer axis) for the merged blobs.
int MergeWidthUB [get, set]
 The maximum acceptable width (length of longer axis) for the merged blobs.
LPVBlobFeatures SortBy [get, set]
 The method used to sort all blob candidates, the top ones are reported as final results. More...
BOOL SortByDescending [get, set]
 Works together with SortBy. True to sort all blob candidates descending(from large value to small), false for sorting in ascending order. More...
LPVThresholdType ThresholdType [get]
 The thresholding method used in segmentation. More...
- Properties inherited from ILObject
LString Name [get, set]
 Name of the object. By default, the object has no name.
In most cases, LPV classes don't make use of the names.
The name is drawn on canvas around the object if ILDrawable::SetDrawName() is enabled. More...

Detailed Description

This class implements the interface ILBlobAnalysis, and is used to create an instance of blob analyzer.