Leaper Vision Toolkit
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Data Structures | Enumerations
LPVIBLib Module Reference

LPV IB Service Library, provides functionality for connection to IntelliBlink services. More...

Data Structures

interface  ILIBAlgoConfig
 This interface holds the configuration of an IntelliBlink algorithm tool, including its name, input parameters. More...
interface  ILIBAlgoResult
 This interface holds the execution results of an IntelliBlink algorithm tool. More...
interface  ILIBData
 This interface holds an IntelliBlink data, it could be the input parameter or the output result. More...
interface  ILIBService
 This interface provide functionalities to connect to the IntelliBlink service. More...
interface  ILIBTaskConfig
 This interface holds the configuration of an IntelliBlink task which involves multiple algorithm tools. More...
interface  ILIBTaskResult
 This interface holds the execution results of an IntelliBlink task which involves multiple algorithm tools. More...
class  LIBAlgoConfig
class  LIBAlgoResult
class  LIBData
class  LIBService
class  LIBTaskConfig
class  LIBTaskResult


enum  LPVIBDataType {
  LPVIBDataTypeInvalid = 0 , LPVIBDataTypeBool = 1 , LPVIBDataTypeInt = 2 , LPVIBDataTypeDouble = 3 ,
  LPVIBDataTypeString = 4 , LPVIBDataTypePoint = 5 , LPVIBDataTypeLine = 6 , LPVIBDataTypeCircle = 7 ,
  LPVIBDataTypePolygon = 8 , LPVIBDataTypeImage = 9 , LPVIBDataTypeBoolList = 10 , LPVIBDataTypeIntList = 11 ,
  LPVIBDataTypeDoubleList = 12 , LPVIBDataTypeStringList = 13 , LPVIBDataTypePointList = 14 , LPVIBDataTypeLineList = 15 ,
  LPVIBDataTypeCircleList = 16 , LPVIBDataTypePolygonList = 17 , LPVIBDataTypeRegion = 18
 This enumeration represents the data type of the IntelliBlink data, see ILIBData. More...
enum  LPVIBEventCode { LPVIBEventReset = 0 , LPVIBEventReExecute = 2 , LPVIBEventImport = 3 , LPVIBEventExport = 4 }
 This enumeration represents the event code of the handle event, see ILIBTaskConfig::HandleEvent(). More...

Detailed Description

LPV IB Service Library, provides functionality for connection to IntelliBlink services.

This library provides functionality for connection to IntelliBlink services. To include the definitions of the library's classes, use the following directive:

Example Code

Note: This modules is currently not available on Linux / MacOS platform.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ LPVIBDataType

This enumeration represents the data type of the IntelliBlink data, see ILIBData.


Invalid, it's not well-initialized or the conversion of this data type is not supported yet.


The boolean data, should be set via ILIBData::FromBool and get via ILIBData::ToBool.


The integer data, should be set via ILIBData::FromInt and get via ILIBData::ToInt.


The double data, should be set via ILIBData::FromDouble and get via ILIBData::ToDouble.


The string data, should be set via ILIBData::FromString and get via ILIBData::ToString.


The single point data, should be set via ILIBData::FromPoint and get via ILIBData::ToPoint.


The single line data, should be set via ILIBData::FromLine and get via ILIBData::ToLine.


The single circle data, should be set via ILIBData::FromCircle and get via ILIBData::ToCircle.


The single polygon data, should be set via ILIBData::FromPolygon and get via ILIBData::ToPolygon.
It can be converted to be a list of point(see ILIBData::ToPointList), or a point collection(see ILIBData::ToPoints).


The image data, should be set via ILIBData::FromImage and get via ILIBData::ToImage.


A list of boolean data, should be set via ILIBData::FromBoolList and get via ILIBData::ToBoolList.


A list of integer data, should be set via ILIBData::FromIntList and get via ILIBData::ToIntList.


A list of double data, should be set via ILIBData::FromDoubleList and get via ILIBData::ToDoubeList.


A list of string data, should be set via ILIBData::FromStringList and get via ILIBData::ToStringList.


A list of point data, should be set via ILIBData::FromPointList and get via ILIBData::ToPointList.
It can be converted to be a polygon(see ILIBData::ToPolygon), or a point collection(see ILIBData::ToPoints).


A list of line data, should be set via ILIBData::FromLineList and get via ILIBData::ToLineList.


A list of circle data, should be set via ILIBData::FromCircleList and get via ILIBData::ToCircleList.


A list of polygon data, should be set via ILIBData::FromPolygonList and get via ILIBData::ToPolygonList.


A region data, should be set via ILIBData::FromRegion and get via ILIBData::ToRegion.

◆ LPVIBEventCode

This enumeration represents the event code of the handle event, see ILIBTaskConfig::HandleEvent().


Reset event, to clean up the data and internal storage in the specified algorithm tool.


Execute event, to trigger the re-execution event of the algorithm tool.


Import event, to import the data or configuration from the given file


Export event, to export the data or configuration to the given file