Leaper Vision Toolkit
中文 / English 2.x
Data Structures | Enumerations
LPVGeomXLib Module Reference

LPV Advanced Geometry Library, provide advanced geometric functionalities. More...

Data Structures

interface  ILFitting
 This interface functionalities of geometric shape fitting from some given points. More...
interface  ILGeomOp
 This interface expose APIs for basic and advanced geometry calculation functionalities. More...
interface  ILPolyClipper
 This interface functionalities of various filtering, clipping and offsetting operations to the LPolygon object. More...
interface  ILSortedArray
 This interface holds the array-sorting result. More...
interface  ILSorter
 This interface expose APIs to sort or apply permutation to a collection of objects implemented ILSortable interface. More...
class  LFitting
class  LGeomOp
class  LPolyClipper
class  LSortedArray
class  LSorter


enum  LPVSortedArrayDrawFlags {
  LPVSortedArrayDrawPosition = 1 , LPVSortedArrayDrawIndex = 2 , LPVSortedArrayDrawFiltered = 4 , LPVSortedArrayDrawMissing = 8 ,
  LPVSortedArrayDrawRowLines = 16 , LPVSortedArrayDrawColumnLines = 32 , LPVSortedArrayDrawDefault = LPVSortedArrayDrawPosition + LPVSortedArrayDrawIndex , LPVSortedArrayDrawAll = 0xff
 This enumeration represents the flags to control the pattern drawing behavior. More...

Detailed Description

LPV Advanced Geometry Library, provide advanced geometric functionalities.

This library provides miscellaneous functions for advanced geometry calculation, measurement and display. To include the definitions of the library's classes, use the following directive:

Example Code

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ LPVSortedArrayDrawFlags

This enumeration represents the flags to control the pattern drawing behavior.


Draw the position points of the objects in the array


Draw the column and row indexes of the objects in the array, as (x, y)


Draw the position points of the filtered objects using the opposite color of the current pen


Draw the missing positions points in the array, as a small x cross


Draw the row lines, using the opposite color of the current pen


Draw the column lines, using the opposite color of the current pen


Default draw flags, which draws only the position points and index of the objects in the array


Draw with all components