Leaper Vision Toolkit
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Lookup Table for IntelliBlink Error Code

This is the lookup table for the error code might returned when IB Service module connects and executes IntelliBlink tasks. Usually you may need to get more information of the error code from the following table, when the return value of IB Service functions are not LPVNoError.

Error Code Description
0x80000001 Initialize Engine failed
0x80000002 The version of Engine is too low
0x80000003 Unable to fetch the handle to Request-Control
0x80000004 Unable to fetch the handle to Request-Control
0x80000005 Initialize Engine service failed
0x80001001 There is already some solution running, you cannot open or create another one
0x80001002 There is no open solution, we cannot continue the operation
0x80001003 Initialize solution failed
0x80001004 De-Initialize solution failed
0x80001005 Solution validation failed
0x80001010 Create task failed due to bad parameters
0x80001011 Create task failed due to we are reaching the maximum limitation of task count in the solution
0x80001012 Create or rename task failed since the name is duplicated with some existing task
0x80001013 Delete task failed
0x80001020 Load solution failed, the path is invalid
0x80001021 Save solution failed, the path is invalid
0x80001022 Load device manager from file failed, either the file is inaccessible or it contains no necessary information
0x80002001 Invalid task ID
0x80002002 Unexpected task type
0x80002003 The task has no binding image source
0x80002004 All execution worker of the task is busy
0x80002005 Initialize task failed
0x80002006 De-initialize task failed
0x80002007 Failed to create the default virtual camera
0x80002008 Failed to create the image source for the default virtual camera
0x80002009 Invalid ID of the special variables in the task
0x80002010 Create algorithm tool failed due to bad parameters
0x80002011 Create algorithm failed due to we are reaching the maximum limitation of tool count in the task
0x80002012 Create or rename algorithm tool failed since the name is duplicated with some existing algorithm tool
0x80002013 Copy algorithm tool failed
0x80002014 Delete algorithm tool failed
0x80002015 Failed to sort algorithm tools. It may be caused by rely-loop between the algorithm tools in the task
0x80002016 Quick-Cast failed: cannot find the required pack
0x80002017 Quick-Cast failed: quick-cast pack type does not match task type
0x80002018 Quick-Cast failed: failed to create algorithms
0x80002020 Unable to open the specific file
0x80002021 Failed to read or parse the specified file
0x80002022 Create pre-handle task failed, there is already an existing related pre-handle task
0x80002023 Copy task failed, it may be due to mismatch task ID
0x80002024 Failed to synchronize or apply the task configuration
0x80002025 Failed to fetch the parameters in batch for the same types
0x80002026 The image in the task instance is empty
0x80002027 Export algorithm tools failed, there is some invalid global variable
0x80002028 Failed to import algorithm tools due to bad property in the file
0x80003001 Invalid algorithm tool ID
0x80003002 Initialize algorithm tool failed
0x80003003 De-initialize algorithm tool failed
0x80003004 Cross-validation failed for the algorithm tool, the version does not match the current IntelliBlink
0x80003005 Execution error mask
0x80003006 The algorithm tool's type is mismatch and incompatible
0x80003010 Update dependencies failed due to unknown types
0x80003011 Update dependencies failed due to unknown keys
0x80003012 Update dependencies failed due to invalid sources
0x80003013 Fetch dependencies failed due to unknown types
0x80003014 Fetch dependencies failed due to unknown keys
0x80003020 Invalid algorithm parameter ID
0x80003021 Invalid algorithm parameter name
0x80003022 Failed to update algorithm parameter(fix value)
0x80003023 Failed to fetch algorithm parameter(fix value)
0x80003024 Invalid display name of the algorithm parameter
0x80003030 Add ROI failed
0x80003031 Delete ROI failed
0x80003032 Change ROI order failed
0x80003033 Change ROI properties failed
0x80003034 Fetch ROI properties failed
0x80003035 Update ROI failed, based on the entire image coordinates
0x80004001 Unknown or unsupported execution type
0x80004002 Execution failed due to input image absence
0x80004003 Execution failed due to no idle execution worker
0x80004004 Execution failed due to core expression validation failure
0x80004005 Execution failed since there is no existing execution worker contains the latest task instance
0x80004006 Execution failed due to dependency missing in the core expression
0x80005001 Unable to find the camera of the given ID
0x80005002 Unknown or unsupported camera type
0x80005003 Create camera failed
0x80005004 Delete camera failed
0x80005005 Delete camera object failed
0x80005006 Fetch camera options failed
0x80005007 Update camera options failed
0x80005010 Open camera failed
0x80005011 Close camera failed
0x80005012 Start camera failed
0x80005013 Stop camera failed
0x80005014 Snap camera failed
0x80005015 Failed to change camera trigger mode
0x80006001 Cannot find the communication device with the given ID
0x80006002 Unknown or unsupported communication device
0x80006003 Create communication device failed
0x80006004 Delete communication device failed
0x80006005 Fetch communication device options failed
0x80006006 Create or rename device failed since the name is duplicated with some existing device
0x80006007 Invalid serial port format, it should be like COM1, COM2 etc.
0x80006008 Invalid IP address format which should be xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, such as
0x80006009 Invalid IP address format or port, which should be xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:port, such as
0x8000600a Port conflict, the required one is occupied
0x8000600b The range of TCP port should be in 0 ~ 65535
0x8000600c The UDP target port should be in 1025 ~ 65535, the static port should be in 0 ~ 65535
0x8000600d The device name should not be empty
0x80007001 Cannot find the image source with the given ID
0x80007002 Unknown or unsupported image source type
0x80007003 Create image source failed
0x80007004 Delete image source failed
0x80007005 Set prior image source failed
0x80009001 Cannot find the algorithm library with the given name
0x8000f001 The given ID is neither a Loop(begin) or Loop(Result) tool
0x8000f002 The required custom widget does not exist
0x8000f003 Initialize custom widget failed
0x8000f004 Failed to start editing pre-handle task
0x8000f005 Failed to finish editing pre-handle task
0x80010001 Request-Control: all save threads are occupied
0x80010002 Request-Control: The file required for save-as already exists
0x80011001 Request-Notify: No registered listener
0x80011002 Request-Notify: The listener is registered with invalid flags
0x80013001 Cannot find the event notifier with the given key
0x80013002 Create event notifier failed
0x80013003 Delete event notifier failed
0x80014001 Create bind-action failed
0x80014002 Delete bind-action failed
0x80015001 Cannot find the global variable with the given ID
0x80015002 Cannot find the global variable with the display name
0x80015003 Unknown or unsupported global variable type
0x80015004 The value of the global variable is not initialized
0x80015005 Create or rename global variable failed since the name is duplicated with some existing global variable
0x80015006 Load global variable failed
0x80015007 Save global variable failed
0x8001f001 The directory path is empty
0x8001f002 Failed to remove the file
0x8001f003 Fail to remove the folder
0x8001f004 The file type is not supported for the current operation
0x00002000 Some algorithm tools are not loaded correctly when loading the task
0x00002001 Some output adapter are not loaded correctly when loading the task
0x00002002 Some algorithm tools are not saved correctly when saving the task
0x00002003 Some output adapters are not saved correctly when saving the task
0x00002004 Unexpected error during update multiple ROIs at the same time
0x00002005 Some dependencies are removed or lost during exporting algorithm tools
0x00002006 Some algorithm tools are not deleted correctly
0x00003000 Delete the image source in fact has no effect as the image source does not exist
0x00003001 Delete the input monitor in fact has no effect as the input monitor does not exist
0x00003002 Delete the bind action in fact has no effect as the bind action does not exist
0x00004000 Load device failed, the file is not accessible or contains no related information
0x00004001 Load camera failed, the file is not accessible or contains no related information
0x00004002 Load global variable, event notifier or input monitor failed, the file is not accessible or contains no related information