Leaper Vision Toolkit
中文 / English 2.x
LText Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for LText:
ILText ILDrawable

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from ILText
void Draw (HDC hdc, double zoomX, double zoomY, double panX, double panY)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ILDrawable
void SetBrushColor (COLORREF brushColor)
void SetDrawName (BOOL val)
void SetDrawPoint (int size, LPVPointShape shape)
void SetFont (LString fontFamily, int fontHeight, COLORREF fontColor, BOOL bold, BOOL italic, BOOL underline, BOOL strikeOut)
void SetFontColor (COLORREF fontColor)
void SetFontFamily (LString fontFamily)
void SetFontHeight (int fontHeight)
void SetPen (LPVPenStyle penStyle, int penWidth, COLORREF penColor)
void SetPenColor (COLORREF penColor)
void SetPenStyle (LPVPenStyle penStyle)
void SetPenWidth (int penWidth)
- Properties inherited from ILText
LPVAlignment Alignment [get, set]
 The alignment of the text.
int PosX [get, set]
 The x-coordinate of the position.
int PosY [get, set]
 The y-coordinate of the position.
BSTR Text [get, set]
 The text string.

Detailed Description

This class implements the interface ILText, and is used to create an instance of drawable text object.

Note: This class is currently not available on Linux / MacOS platform.