Leaper Vision Toolkit
中文 / English 2.x
How to Use DEMO Code Snippets

DEMO code snippets are usually a single C++/C# source code with a main function body, demonstrating how some LPV functions are called. The code snippets files are located under demo/snippets folder.

To compile and run the DEMO code snippets, you should firstly create a Visual Studio project, then add or copy the code snippets file to the project. You may also modify some in the code like the image path to a true accessible path. Then, you may compile and run the project as usual. The algorithms' results are displayed via LDisplay control in the code snippets.

NOTE: The platform of DEMOs should be exactly the same as the LPV dlls you installed and registered.
NOTE: Please make sure the LPV dlls are registered and licensed before running the DEMOs.

Create a New Visual Studio Project

Step 1 - New a Console App Project

Step 2 - Add the code snippets to the project

Step 3 - Modify the File Paths

Modify the file paths in the code to be accessible, for example: